To the Members of JAAGA

  I would have very much liked to join you on the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Japanese Air Self Defense Force, but I will be out of the United States and can’t quite make it Japan in time. It is truly my loss. Congratulations on establishing a first class Air Force, equipped with superb airplanes and even better people. Airman the world over, recognize your achievements as only airman can appreciate them. In my thirty five years in the United States Air Force, I never had a better assignment than when I commanded the 5th Air Force. The men and women of the JASDF provided Carol and me an unique insight into your professionalism, your culture and to your kindness. The ability to share experiences with “the Samurai of the Air” was unmatched in my career. Together we accomplished things that made history in Japanese America Air Force relationships. The exercises were outstanding and the day to day relationship was unmatched. Clearly the USAF recognized the importance of the relationship by assigning their “best and brightest” after I departed. There also were a couple of great commanders before me. I think about the JASDF and its people everyday and relate stories of our relationship to all who will listen.
  Congratulations again on your 50th Anniversary. Carol joins me in sending our very best wishes and fondest regards.


General (R) J.B. Davis 


Message to JAAGA from General (ret.) J.B.Davis