From 6:30P.M. of 25 (Fri.) September, Air Force Ball 2009 in Misawa AB. was held for USAF 62th anniversary. About 600 USAF airmen and around 30 guests participated in this ball. Four JASDF generals (included commander of Northern Air Defense Command ), and mayor and councilmen of Misawa city joined as distinguished guests. The ball was started with the enterance of national flags, and followed singing national anthem of US and Japan, all participants prayed for POW (Prisoner of War) and MIA (Missing In Action). Ceremony was very solemn. Then dinner stated with toasting. PACAF band performed confortable musics during dinner. In latter half of ball, a retired airman and an active airman had speech about their past, present and the future. After then video movie about past, present and the future of Misawa AB. was put on screen. And the ball was closed with Col.Stilwell's speech. My wife and I could enjoy the party very much. (reported by Maruyama, head of Misawa branch)

Air Force Ball 2009 in Misawa