Lt.Gen.& Mrs. Rice invited their friend to the open house event which were carried out at Fifth Air Force commander's official residence in Yokota AB. on 5th December. From 4:30p.m. to 6:00p.m., JASDF key persons, local governors of neighbor cities and towns, and JAAGA members were invited. General Hokazono (Air Chief of Staff), Lt.Gen.Nagashima (Vice Air Chief of Staff) and some Directors from Air Staff Office, Lt.Gen.Iwasaki (ADC/CC) and Lt.Gen.Morishita (ASC/CC) from Fuchu AB., and Lt.Gen.Watanabe (CADF/CC) and Lt.Gen.Hata (ADTC/CC) from Iruma AB. attended with their spouses. President Toutake, Chairman Hirose and four officers (Ogawa, Takahashi, Bandou and Minamoto) were participated in from JAAGA. The party hall was decorated with beautiful Christmas tree and many kinds of ornaments, and was filled with Christmas spirit. Many Yokota AB officials were present at there. We could enjoy pleasant conversation with many attendants. In the latter part of party, USAF airmen performed Christmas songs, and all participants did sing together "It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" which was recommended by Gen.Rice. Finally Gen.Rice closed the party with the word of "Rainen mo yoiotoshi wo omukaekudasai (Have a Happy New Year)" in Japanese.
 (reported by secretariat Minamoto)


Open House 2009 sponsored by Lt.Gen. & Mrs. Rice