Afternoon of 15th February, three JAAGA secretariats (Hori, Harada and Iba) visited the headquarters of Air Defense Command at Fuchu Air Base to offer the support items for the participants to USAF-JASDF joint training in Guam (Cope North Guam). Secretariat Hori handed the support items to Lt.Gen. Iwasaki (ADC/CC) who will visit to Guam to observe the training. Gen. Iwasaki expressed appreciation for JAAGA's support to this training. Training term is from 26 January to 2 May, 224 JASDF airmen participate, and 8 F-2 fighters from 8th Wing and 2 E-2Cs from Airborne Early Warning Group are deployed.  (Reported by secretariat Harada)


Cope North Guam 2009